Batch 01 → 50 effects

Live February 2025

A collection
of JS effects

Enhance your GSAP skills with a range of smooth and well-crafted effects.
Available February 2025.

Improve your animation skills

Motion on websites is a must-have these days. Developers are constantly crafting new animations that push the boundaries of creativity. If you're ready to explore the power of GSAP, we’ve got you covered with 50 unique effects designed to help you master it like a pro.

Learn how to use
the coolest JS library


Jump right in! Our resources cater to all skill levels, ensuring a smooth learning curve for newcomers.

Easy to

Get started effortlessly with our code snippets and integrate them into your project in no time.

Performance optimized

Our effects are built with efficiency in mind: combining performance with creativity.

  • LLeeaarrnn it 
  • TTwweeaakk it 
  • UUssee it 

Seems nice but

What are we really

Talking about

1 Effects

Made With Gsap brings together 50 effects that showcase fundamental web motion techniques:
scroll animations mouse-based interactions drag movements, and more. Each effect is designed to inspire others.

Free GSAP Core
No WebGL

Our effects use only the free GSAP core and plugins.

Webflow compatible

All effects are fully compatible with Webflow, making it simple to integrate them into your website. By adding the code and assets, you can seamlessly add dynamic animations to your template.

2 Learning

Each effect is paired with a detailed, step-by-step tutorial to help you recreate it and fully grasp its functioning. You'll also get a downloadable zip file containing the final code with a live example.

100% customizable

Whether you want to tweak colors, timings, or animations, the code is fully adaptable. For instance, if you choose to have 8 images instead of 4, the script will automatically adapt to the DOM elements, ensuring the render always looks great.

3 Our goal

Made with Gsap is meant to be accessible to everyone and continuously evolving. We’re starting with 50 effects, but we're committed to regularly releasing new batches, keeping the content fresh and inspiring.

About us

Made With Gsap is the project of Michaël Garcia (developer) and Florent Roux-Durraffourt (designer). Between them, the two friends have collected prestigious awards, including the Awwwards 2023 E-Commerce Site of the Year.

Start using Made With Gsap

Make your family proud

ready to animate?

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On screen:  Effect n°005